Frequently Asked Questions

Your Questions About Anesthesia Answered

General Anesthesia FAQs

When do I speak with my anesthesiologist?
Can I eat and drink on the day of surgery?
What medications do I take the night before surgery?
What if I have a problem at home after surgery?
When can I drive?

Regional Anesthesia FAQs

What is regional anesthesia?
There are three types of regional anesthesia:
1. Epidural Anesthesia
2. Spinal Anesthesia
3. Peripheral Nerve Anesthesia

Local Anesthesia With Sedation FAQs

What is MAC Anesthesia?
What are the advantages of local anesthesia/sedation?
Will I be awake?
What is topical anesthesia?
What are the risks of topical and regional anesthesia?
What kind of sedation will I receive?

Patient Billing FAQs

When will I receive my first bill from G2?
I have insurance; why did I receive a bill from G2?
What should I do if I receive a check from my insurance company?
Why are there different charges on my bill?
Will I receive bills from other providers?
How can I pay my bill to G2 Anesthesia?
What if I don't have insurance and need surgery (Self-Pay)?
What should I do if I am having a non-covered elective cosmetic procedure (Pre-Pay)?

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